Document Remediation Service Providers

Document accessibility remediation involves making electronic documents accessible to everyone, regardless of ability or the assistive technology they use. It ensures that digital information is universally accessible.

Digital accessibility is everyone’s responsibility, enhancing the user experience for all. To help you create accessible source documents or remediate PDFs, we have partnered with vendors offering document remediation services through a convenient process. Examples of document accessibility remediation include:

  • Adding alternative text (alt text) to images
  • Ensuring proper heading structure
  • Adding descriptive links
  • Checking and correcting color contrast
  • Making forms fillable and accessible
  • Ensuring compatibility with screen readers
  • Simplifying complex tables and graphs

Using university-approved vendors will ensure that electronic documents adhere to all university standards and requirements—including IT compliance standards—significantly expedite your timeline and make your documents easier for everyone to access.

To utilize these services, contact the IT Accessibility Center at They will guide you through the process and connect you with the right vendor for your specific needs.