Create Accessible Social Media Posts

MU uses social media to engage, enhance connections and report emergencies. It’s essential to utilize social media platform accessibility features to make social posts accessible. Learn how to use these features and other tips to make your social posts accessible.


Facebook’s Automatic Alt Text (AAT) technology automatically describes an image you upload or post. The automatic alt text is not always correct. You can edit the alt text for images to add an accurate description so users of screen readers have access to the same information.


Twitter does not automatically generate alternative text for images. You must add image descriptions (alternative text) to make Twitter accessible to people with disabilities.


Closed captions allow hard-of-hearing or deaf users to engage with YouTube content. When you post video and video shorts content, YouTube auto-generates captions. Automatic captions usually need significant edits, and you should only publish a video after reviewing the captions, regardless of the video’s length or the output’s quality.


You can add alternative text (alt-text) to the images you share on your feed or embed in articles. This allows members using screen readers to understand what’s in the image.


Instagram automatically generates picture descriptions using object recognition technology and computer-vision AI. A screen reader or alternative output devices can read the auto-generated alt text. You can edit the alt text for images to describe a photo better.

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