Create Accessible Documents

As you create word-processing documents or text files, use the following common practices to help ensure accessibility and usability for everyone.

Descriptive File Name

Clear and Concise Content

Headings and Structure

Headings help users quickly understand the information hierarchy to identify main points and topics. Heading styles also allow screen reader users to navigate content more efficiently by jumping to different sections and accessing desired information quickly. Clear and descriptive headings also help with comprehension and reduce cognitive load by breaking the text into manageable sections, making scanning and locating specific information more accessible.

Accessible Link Text

Color and Contrast

  • Ensure the contrast ratio between text and background colors is at least 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text (at least 18 point (typically 24px) or 14 point (typically 18.66px) and bold).
  • Do not use color as the only method to convey meaning.
    • Include an additional descriptive component such as text, patterns, or shapes.
  • Learn more about Contrast and Color Accessibility (WebAIM).

Accessible Images

Accessible Tables

Check for Accessibility

It is important to check the accessibility of digital content as you design, develop, or create it. The Check for Accessibility page has a list of commonly used checkers, guides, and checklists.

Additional Resources