Accessibility Services

Here are some valuable departments and services offering comprehensive guidance on making all digital content accessible and meeting accessibility standards. These resources will help you ensure that your content is inclusive and reaches all audiences, including those with disabilities.

Office of Accessibility and ADA

Office: 573-884-7278


  • Faculty, staff, and visitors with disabilities accommodations
  • Training on ADA, accessibility, and disability awareness
  • Assistance with planning accessible events (Captioning, etc.)
  • University policies and procedures around ADA and disabilities
  • General ADA compliance questions

Disability Center

Division of Student Affairs
Office: 573-882-4696


  • Ensuring access for students with disabilities
  • Coordinating academic and non-academic accommodations for students (alternative text, etc.)
  • Support for instructors
  • Universal design for learning
  • Disability awareness training and resources
  • Planning accessible events (Captioning, etc.)

IT Accessibility Center

Division of Information Technology (DoIT)


  • Assistance with document accessibility and service providers
  • Evaluate websites, web applications, and electronic documents for accessibility
  • Loans accessible technologies for evaluation
  • Provides evaluations and recommendations for improving and creating a healthy, comfortable workstation.
  • Provides support and guidance on purchasing accessible IT
  • Provides Accessibility Technology support services

Missouri Online


Document Remediation Service Providers

To ensure prompt accessibility for your source documents or PDF remediation needs, the university has partnered with vendors offering expedited document remediation services such as:

  • Ensure PDFs are compliant with accessibility standards.
  • Add structure and tags for screen readers and navigation.
  • Describe images and graphics for visually impaired users. (Note: Not all vendors provide this service. For those that don’t have trained staff for this service, you must provide the alternate text you want them to added to images and non-text content in the documents.)
  • Make documents readable by text-to-speech software.

To take advantage of these services, contact the IT Accessibility Center at They will guide you through the process and connect you with the right vendor for your specific needs.

Committee for Persons with Disabilities

The Committee for Persons with Disabilities advises the provost and the Vice Chancellor for Operations on MU programs, services, and policies that affect students, faculty, staff, and visitors with disabilities. The Committee also reviews applications for funds related to projects designed to improve the campus experience of persons with disabilities and makes recommendations about the disbursement of these funds.

Mizzou Disability Coalition on Facebook

The purpose of the Mizzou Disability Coalition is to educate on disability as a form of diversity, advocate for accessibility, and facilitate volunteer opportunities. We engage with Mizzou students, faculty, staff, and administration, as well as organizations in the Columbia community, to create change and open a forum for enriching dialogue on issues facing the disabled population.