Apply Design Concepts

Most discussions on accessibility emphasize the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). However, integrating WCAG with concepts like Universal Design (UD), Inclusive Design, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Usability, and Inclusion can enhance accessibility beyond WCAG standards.

Here’s a brief overview of how these digital design principles universally support all audiences.

Universal Design (UD)

Universal Design means the design and composition of an environment can be accessed, understood, and used by all people to the greatest extent possible. In some instances, this concept is referred to as inclusive design. While some experts describe universal design in relation to physical environments, inclusive design often describes digital products. 

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a teaching and learning method that gives all students an equal opportunity to succeed. UDL should be considered as you create online courses to ensure all learners can access, use, and benefit equally. Implementing UDL in your classroom will ensure students are provided with the means to have a successful learning experience. Get started using the Universal Design for Learning Guidelines in your classroom. 


As we work to create a more digitally accessible campus, tracking our user’s experience has been an essential part of assessing usability. Usability is about monitoring how difficult or easy it is for users to navigate the interface, no matter their ability. User experience is determined by the product’s effectiveness, efficiency, and overall satisfaction.


In a digital context, inclusion ensures that everyone, regardless of their abilities, backgrounds, or circumstances, has equal access to digital resources, platforms, and technologies. According to the W3C WAI, it means “ensuring involvement of everyone to the greatest extent possible.” This involves designing websites, software, and online content to be accessible to people with disabilities, offering language options for non-native speakers, and considering the diverse needs of all users to create an inclusive digital space. This responsibility empowers us to make a significant impact.